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Definition of OOTD

In social networks the meaning of OOTD is “Outfit of the day”, or what is the same, the clothes of the day or fashion.


  1. The outfit of the day.


It is undeniable how the digital world has evolved and also how it has revolutionized the way we shop, inform and even communicate things, as hashtags and initials often arise and become a trend and many people use it in their daily lives.

This is the case of #OOTD, which stands for “Outfit Of The Day”.

It has become quite popular on social networks and bloggers and fashionistas use it to refer to their outfits, especially on the social network Instagram.

Despite being at first glance a fairly simple social network to use, for example you take a photo, share it and that’s it, it really constitutes a whole universe a little more complex than that between hashtags, projects and mentions.

This network is used by every blogger and fashion expert to show off their best clothes for day and night and make use of this tag.

So you already know that if you want to share your new pants, gala dresses for a wedding, a party or the ideal combination to go to work, you can use this tag.


There are some variants of this acronym such as OOTW “Outfit of the week” or “outfit of the week” to show the weekly planning; and so it happens with each season or season of the year.
Its popularity is so great that just doing a simple search of the hashtag on Instagram we can find more than 364 million publications.