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Definition of Funeke

Funeke is a Chilean word that has gained popularity in recent years and has become a commonly used term in youth slang.

This word refers to a person who is attractive, cheerful, and charismatic, but it can also be used to describe something that is fun or exciting.


  1. Bacán: a colloquial term used to describe something that is cool or impressive.
  2. Entertaining: a more formal synonym that refers to something that is fun or exciting.
  3. Copado: a term used in some Latin American countries that refers to something or someone who is attractive and pleasant.
  4. Handsome/beautiful: a term used to describe someone who is attractive or beautiful.
  5. Cool: a colloquial term used to describe someone who is friendly and pleasant.


The origin of the word Funeke is not clear, although some believe it could have its roots in the Mapudungun language, which is spoken by Chile’s indigenous population.

However, it is also suggested that the word could be an adaptation of the English term “funky,” which refers to something that is modern and stylish.


  • Although Funeke is mainly used to describe people, it can also be used to refer to objects or situations that are fun or exciting. For example, someone could say that a party was “funeke” if it was very enjoyable.
  • The popularity of the word has led to the creation of songs that include the term in their lyrics, such as “Funeke DJ” by the Chilean band Moral Distraída.
  • The word Funeke has been adopted by popular culture in Chile and is commonly used on social media and in informal communication among young people.