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Déjà Vu

Definition of Déjà Vu

Déjà Vu means “already seen” and is a French term used when there is a feeling of having previously had or gone through a juncture that is originating for the first time.


  1. Already seen or felt
  2. Sensation of having already experienced
  3. Repetition


This term was created by the French psychic and researcher Émile Boirac and mentioned in his publication on the future of psychic sciences. It is the phenomenon of having the strong sensation that an event or experience that is currently being lived, has already been experienced in the past.

Déjà Vu is also known as paramnesia, which makes the subject feel that he/she is experiencing something familiar but that, at the same time, it is strange to him/her, which creates a paradoxical feeling.
Generally speaking, and in spite of people’s belief, it is attributed to a supposed experience coming from the dream world.

In general, Déjà vu is divided into two types: Déjà Vécu, which means what the individual experiences but feels he/she has already experienced, and Déjà Senti as something the person has already felt, although it is not part of what he/she remembers in his/her memory.

However, and according to studies that have been done on this subject and on this concept in particular, a Déjà vu is associated with the memories that an individual has, either because of something he/she has lived, dreamed or felt.


This experience affects mostly young people between 15 and 25 years of age.
There are people who suffer from something called chronic Déjà Vu, meaning that everything they experience feels as if it has already happened. These individuals are very prone to suffer from depression and memory dysfunctions.