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Te quiero

Definition of Te quiero

“Te quiero” is a phrase used to express affection and let that special person know that they are wanted and valued for sharing love and companionship. It can be abbreviated as “TQM.”

“Te quiero” means feeling like you belong to someone else more than to yourself. It’s wanting to be more than one and turning your life into a sum.

It’s having someone who feels what you feel and lives what you live because they care about what you might be going through. It’s having you constantly in their thoughts and feelings.


  1. • “I love you”
  2. • “I miss you”
  3. • “You are important to me”
  4. • “I want to share with you”
  5. • “I want to give you my affection and love”

ORIGIN OF Te quiero

The word “querer” comes from the Latin “quaerere” (to ask, plead, request). It’s the same verb that gave us “adquirir,” “inquirir,” “perquirir,” “requerir,” and others. DeVaan relates it to an Indo-European root “kueh-i” (to acquire), which is also present in the Greek “pepamai” (to obtain, acquire).

It is widely popular on social media for its ease of abbreviation and use as a hashtag “#TQM.”


“Te quiero” is a poem by Mario Benedetti, first included in “Poemas de otros” (1974). It is written for the loved one and aims to convey the love between a committed couple who work together and who, thanks to their enriching relationship, become more effective.

When they walk arm in arm down the street, “we are much more than two.”

It can also be interpreted as being written for the “people.” This poem was conceived during the dictatorship in Uruguay, where expressing certain ideas could result in detention, imprisonment, torture, or even disappearances of people.

The poem consists of nine stanzas, each composed of four eight-syllable verses, falling into the classification of minor art verse.