Prevaricar, which means to prevaricate in English Language, refers to the act of knowing an injustice and still carrying it out.
This word is used, more than anything else, in association with an official or person who holds a position, the one who prevaricates is the one who, being in full exercise of his duties, decides to take an unjust, unexpected, wrong path, knowing consciously that it is wrong.
- To prevaricate
- To sin
- To disregard
- To rave
- To rave
- Disagree
- Discrepancies
ORIGIN OF Prevaricar
The word prevaricar comes from the Latin varus, praevaricari. The first one refers to “twisted” and is used as an adjective, the second one is the variation of the first one and is used as a verb meaning “to twist”, “to twist when walking”, “not to follow the straight line”.
It was used in terms of the field when the crop went out of the furrow or when it did not follow a certain straight line in the plow.
Although at first it had a physical meaning, since the word also referred to those people who put a foot in or walked a little crooked, little by little in the popular jargon the moral meaning was added.
What we now know as prevaricar refers to those judges, officials who, knowing their duties, ignore them to do unethical things.
In the biblical sense, the people of Israel prevaricated on multiple occasions against God for not wanting to follow his commandments and even knowing them, they ignored them, ignoring the consequences that their actions could bring.
In the Bible this verb is mentioned many times and it applies not only to the people of Israel, but also to some characters in the Bible and even to people who know the truth and still deviate from the right path, the ethically correct path in the eyes of the Word of God.