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Definition of NSFW

The abbreviation NSFW stands for “No safety for work” which in English suggests that it is inappropriate content to view at work.


Inappropriate content.

Not safe for work

Not suitable for work


NSFW is “No safety for work” which in English means “inappropriate content for viewing at work” although there is another way to understand what NSFW means is to see it as a request for something intimate.

Whoever sends this message warns that no one should see it, especially if you are at work. Usually the content is associated with pornography, intimate videos, violence or content of this kind.

However, the origin of this expression is quite funny because apparently it started a couple of years ago in a forum called in 1998 when a woman complained that some users did not label inappropriate content with a label, with the acronym NFBSK which in that case referred to “Not For British School Kids” which in English means “not safe for British school children”.

The triumph of this publication became a frequent joke among the forum users, who even opened a section with this name and then over time this acronym evolved and “school kids” was replaced by “jobs”.


Although difficult to pronounce, it is one of the easiest to use just put this acronym in front of the header of a video or message, for example imagine an email that has a video with inappropriate content, the subject could be for example “NSFW”.