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Definition of Mosto

The word “mosto” refers to a juice or liquid that is obtained from grapes. It has a very sweet taste and is used to make various foods such as desserts, wines, and much more. In some parts of Spain, “mosto” is a specific sweet wine that is consumed in an elegant and frequent manner.

The main difference between “mosto” and “vino” (wine) is that “mosto” has never been wine, meaning that it has not undergone the fermentation process used to make wine. Instead, “mosto” is the juice that can be offered to children, obtained from grapes.


  1. • Grape juice
  2. • Grape liquid
  3. • Non-alcoholic wine
  4. • Dealcoholized wine


The word “mosto” comes from the Latin “mustus,” which means “fresh.” It can also be traced back to the Proto-Indo-European root “med u” from the Greek “methy,” which means “wine.” In the Bible, “mosto” is mentioned as a juice obtained from grapes that is minimally fermented and that was part of a very sweet wine.


Did you know that “mosto” is one of the healthiest beverages? It contains many antioxidants that are perfect for skin diseases and infections, as well as natural sugars and between 70% and 80% of water from its original content.

It also contains vitamin E, one of the vitamins responsible for regenerating the body’s tissues and keeping cells in perfect condition.

Red grape juice or “mosto” delays the oxidation of bad cholesterol, reduces platelet aggregation, and decreases the risk of thrombosis that can obstruct arteries.