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Definition of Cinderella

English word that is usually translated into Spanish as “cenicienta“. Traditionally, in the United States it is a woman whose qualities or merits, for whatever reason, have not been recognized by others.


Any social entity, any person, time and a number of things, that are obsolete, to be clearer, that no longer serve or are not of significant use. For example, one of the ways in which this word can be used is to mention that something is badly operated or does not work as it should: The Justice of the people of Konoha, is the cinderella of our country.


The word cinderella comes from the English language and is translated as “cinderella” for the Spanish language. This term was born in the year 1697 after the publication of a story titled in this way by Charles Perrault and The Brothers Grimm. Later, it was taken under the connotation of a woman who suffers from oppression and contempt.

The evolution of the English language has made this term archetypal for the oppression, discrimination and less price that many women have suffered. This is how, later in the 20th century, it began to be a word that is used to designate something that does not work correctly in a specific society or context.


The first versions of Cinderella that are had come from ancient Egypt. Then, between the 2nd and 3rd centuries the Roman orator Aelianus in his “Miscellaneous History” is presented this story, which in Greek is known as Rhodopis.

“Cinderella” and her story has been brought to the screen many times. In 1950 an animated version was released and from then on there have been many remakes in history. In February 2021 Amazon Prime launched a Live Action version starring Camila Cabello.

He became known as “Cinderella” A band musical American Hard Rock. They enjoyed great popularity in the 1980s and broke up in the 1990s. In later years the band reunited for special reasons, but in 2017 it was reported that there are no plans for a return as a group.