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7 Pecados Capitales

Definition of 7 Pecados Capitales

The seven deadly sins each correspond to a classification of human desires or vices according to the moral teachings of Christianity, and they are lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy, and pride.

SYNONYMS FOR 7 Pecados Capitales

  1. Vices
  2. Immoral desires
  3. Christianity
  4. Lust
  5. Gluttony
  6. Greed
  7. Sloth
  8. Wrath
  9. Envy
  10. Pride

ORIGIN OF 7 Pecados Capitales

These 7 human desires or vices are called “deadly” because they constitute the source, principle, or “head” of other sins. This means that the inclination towards these deadly sins tempts humans to satisfy their desires at any cost, which involves committing other sins to achieve them.

In that sense, anyone who is driven by any of these deadly sins in some way dehumanizes themselves and in turn dehumanizes others by reducing them to mere obstacles to their own desires and instruments of their will.

However, the deadly sins are not described in the Bible, although they are referred to throughout the Holy Book. In the sixth century, the Roman Pope Gregory the Great was the first to compile a list of deadly sins which was later ordered by Saint Thomas Aquinas and numbered seven.

To these deadly sins, seven virtues are opposed, which would be chastity, temperance, generosity, diligence, patience, charity, and humility.

There have been various artists who have been inspired by the seven deadly sins to create works of great significance. Among the most famous are Dante Alighieri with his “Divine Comedy”.

CURIOSITIES OF 7 Pecados Capitales

In the Middle Ages, a demon was assigned to each deadly sin. Lust was assigned Asmodeus, Gluttony was assigned Beelzebub, Greed was assigned Mammon, Sloth was assigned Belphegor, Wrath was assigned Aamon, Envy was assigned Leviathan, and finally, Pride was assigned Lucifer.