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Definition of Yerna

The term “yerna” refers to the wife of a son in Spanish. Similarly, “yerno” refers to the husband of a daughter.


  1. In-law family
  2. Spouse
  3. Relative by marriage
  4. Daughter-in-law


The word “yerno” comes from the Latin word “gener,” which means “the one who begets.” This etymological origin suggests that the role of the yerno is that of succession in the family.

When the yerno marries the daughter, they immediately become part of the close or direct family. Other members that make up the close family circle include the spouse or equivalent, father, mother, children, siblings, stepfather and stepmother, as well as their respective stepchildren, half-siblings, stepsiblings or half-siblings. Similarly, the in-laws, such as the father-in-law, mother-in-law, son-in-law, and daughter-in-law, as well as siblings-in-law, grandparents, and possible grandchildren, should be considered.

Today, “yerno or yerna” is used to refer to the formal partner of the son or daughter. In return, the term “nuera” is used to refer to the formal partner of the son or daughter.

“Yerno” is also a synonym for “son-in-law.” In this sense, the in-law family is the one that becomes part of the family through marriage with blood relatives and not by blood relation.


In countries such as Puerto Rico, Bolivia, Colombia, the Dominican Republic, and Venezuela, the use of the word “yerna” to refer to the spouse of a son or grandson is accepted. In formal use, the word “nuera” should be used instead of “yerna.”

In English, the word “yerno” is translated as “son-in-law” and “yerna” is translated as “daughter-in-law.”