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Definition of Joaninha

Joaninha is the name given to the ladybug insect in Portuguese and is attributed with a meaning of good luck.

It is the common name for the well-known coleopteran insects.


  1. Ladybug.
  2. Catarina.
  3. Insect, coleoptera.
  4. Good luck.

ORIGIN OF Joaninha

Seeing a Joaninha or ladybug is a mystical sign that luck is near. That’s because this small insect is known to be a good omen in many cultures.

The origin of Joaninha is the diminutive of joana in Portuguese and this is the name given in this language to the small insect that can be found in various colors, although the most famous is the red ladybug with black polka dots.

The ladybug is also considered a spiritual symbol because of a medieval legend that tells that there was a time when plagues devastated the plantations, and people prayed for the intercession of Our Lady.

Then a great number of ladybugs appeared and saved the plantations from the plagues and all the families from starvation.

This legend, added to all the stories about how ladybugs are able to protect crops, made the popularity of this insect grow even more.

Over time, mysticism attributed to the insect other virtues related to good energies, such as luck, renewal, peace, love and prosperity.


In the animal world, the striking features of this insect show that it is not as fragile as we imagine, as they are warning signs for other animals. There are species of ladybugs that are poisonous.

Dreaming of ladybugs is also considered a good omen. Although the meaning of dreams is different for each person, the ladybug is a mystical element that allows a more direct interpretation of the content of the dream.