This word can be used both as an adjective and as a noun. It denotes one who scorns, mocks, derides, rejects, offends, outrages, ridicules, insults, slanders, or affronts in front of various persons; it also depends on bad intentions or motive.
SYNONYMS FOR Escarnecedor
- Mocker
- Mocking
- That offends
- That humiliates
- Insulting
- That outrages
- That affronts
- To mock
ORIGIN OF Escarnecedor
This word comes from the Hebrew luts. It means first of all “to grimace”, that is to mock or scoff, he is a mocker. We can understand then that the scoffer is the one who mocks people in a cruel and humiliating way.
In these people there is a hidden motivation induced by darkness, such as envy, jealousy, hatred or personal reasons. The scoffer has no remorse, is presumptuous, selfish and arrogant.
It also has the meaning of someone “who mocks in a cruel way” and comes from the suffix “dor” (the one who does the action) on the verb escarnecer and this derives from a supposed Germanic skaírnjan meaning “to mock, mock”. Hence also the words escarmentar, escarmenar, escarmenador and escarmiento.
This word etymologically comes from the transitive active verb to scorn and the suffix “dor” which indicates the one who usually performs the action, also as agent or causer.
In ancient times, mockers did not simply sit on chairs, but went to private or public places to mock people.
God in the (Psalm 1:1, The Bible) what he wants to tell us is “Blessed is the one who does not mock (cruelly and humiliatingly mocks his neighbor, nor does he mock at his misfortunes”).
This expression is found in many psalms and proverbs in the Bible, referring to a foolish person who mocks others and to whom nothing good awaits.