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Definition of Emérito

The word emérito, emeritus in English Language, refers to the honor a person has for his years of service.

It can mean that an honorable person is no longer working and is at home enjoying the fruits of his labor, or it can also refer to a person who has been in service for many years and continues to work because he enjoys it.


  1. ● Retired
  2. ● Meritorious
  3. ● Decorated
  4. ● Expert


The word emérito is an adjective that comes from the Latin emeritus which in its original means one who is deserving of merit or reward for work performed. In the culture of Ancient Rome, this term was used to qualify retired army veterans and other cases.

In turn, the word comes from the word merit, which means the value given to someone or something for what they have done, in other words, recognition.

It should be noted that all professions deserve long-term recognition for their excellence, however, the word emeritus is mostly used in the educational, political and religious fields. Example: “the professor is emeritus in that area”.


The word emérito also corresponds to a proper noun, it can be seen in masculine gender as well as in feminine gender and means winner, deserving. In addition, emeritus also used to be a common surname among women who lived in Roman times.

The proper name Emeritus is not usually common today, however, if you are able to recall, you probably knew a grandparent who carried this name with great pride. Nowadays, women are looking for meaningful names that they can appropriate to their children’s personalities and Emeritus is an excellent choice.