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Definition of Caronte


Word used in Greek mythology to refer to a being that “transported” souls in Hades. In other words, Caronte is how the ferryman from Hades is known.


Name given to the largest satellite of the dwarf planet Pluto. This celestial body was discovered by the United States astronomer James W. Christy in 1978.



The origin of the term Caronte is not very clear. Mainly, it comes from the Latin Charonte and the Greek charon or charonosThe literal meaning of these words does not have a unanimous acceptance, but their interpretations are varied.

Some think that Charon means “bright”, others relate it to the Greek verb chairo that means “to rejoice”, while some more allude that the term is older and could be related to the Greek Acheron that designates one of the rivers of the Hades.


James, onomaturge of the Caronte satellite, assigned this name by association with the name of his wife, Charlene, and the endings of the particles of atoms. Years later, it was discovered that it matched the name of the mythological being and for this reason, the last two satellites discovered on Pluto were named Cerberus and Styx.


It has been thought that Caronte was transporting his boat up the River Styx. However, the origin of its name relates it more to the Acheron River and this is how it is portrayed in different writings and works, such as the writings of Pausanias and Dante.

Caronte is the name given to a Spanish crime series premiered on March 6, 2020 on Amazon Prime streaming. The series was created by Verónica Fernández and its main protagonist is Roberto Álamo.

The Argentine artist “Iván Noble” released his song “Caronte” in June 2021. This song was released as a single on the 18th on different music platforms.