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Definition of Tato

When we come across the word tato we can relate it almost immediately with a tattoo, it is the first thing that comes to our mind since this terminology is usually abbreviated when we refer to a tattoo.
Tato means little brother, it can also mean babysitter when used colloquially and in a widespread way “service girl”.

This word can be so ambiguous because its meaning will always depend on the context, coming to mean father, grandfather or grandmother.

Its meaning is usually so ambiguous depending on how it is used, it can express a quantity in relation to a number of people who are performing or doing something. For example: aqui no cancela ni el tato. It is of knowing even the tato.


Los sinónimos de la palabra tato pueden variar dependiendo de la zona porque si bien en España tiene un significado, en Argentina no es el mismo ya que la cultura, el gentilicio y la jerga coloquial siempre cambiarán.

Es así como tenemos que los sinónimos de tato son los siguientes:

Hermano                      (España)

Muchacha de servicio (España)

ORIGIN OF the word Tato

Etymologically speaking it comes from the Latin tata which means father, and this terminology was derived in what we know today as tato which is an adjective that is used in an affective and colloquial way to refer to a brother, a person who has the same father and the same mother.

It also has its origin in the infant voice used by children under 4 years old to refer to their grandparents, parents and siblings.

CURIOSITIES OF the word Tato

If you are in the Dominican Republic, it is not strange that to say that everything is fine they say in a colloquial way “tato”.

This idiom is also used in WhatsApp and means the same as when they use it in Dominican Republic, “está bien”.