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Definition of Nota

Nota is the Spanish translation for note. It is a feminine word indicating a mark, sign, word, or brief writing that is placed in a text to comment on, clarify, or complete something mentioned in it. It also refers to a brief writing or other support that warns of something or reminds of something.

In Colombia it refers to something that is striking for being good, of good quality and that produces joy.


  1. Written
  2. Mark
  3. Signal
  4. Good
  5. Good quality
  6. Excellent


Its origin is in the Latin nota, which means stain, sign, signal. Then it was derived semantically to note or annotation. Nowadays there are other words derived from nota and these are notary, news, notation, etc. On the other hand, the same does not happen with connotar, which Spanish took from English connote.

Peter Schrijver shows that the word nota can derive neither from the Proto-Indo-European root know, from which gnosco, gnarus and ignoro ultimately derive, nor from the Ancient Greek root onósasthai (to blame).

Rather, this author proposes that it is probably a derivation of snota from the Proto-Indo-European root snotaasnt (to notice) reflected in sense (to feel).

It should be noted that the verb gnoscere (to know) is composed of the root gno, present from the Greek gnosis and hence the words: gnostic, agnostic, gnosticism, etc.

It is also composed of the old verbal suffix sko which denotes process, lasting action and we find it in verbs such as abhor, inflame and remain.


In other countries the word nota has several meanings, as in Cuba it means drunkenness and in Venezuela, although it also refers to a good or excellent person, it has another meaning such as a person who is drugged.