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Definition of Indolente

The Spanish word indolente, which is indolent in English, refers to someone who is not affected or moved by anything or anyone. It is insensitive or who does not feel pain and also has the meaning of a lazy person.
Such a person possesses a character that is not sensitive to the things that usually interest or move other individuals. Someone who is indolent is characterized by negligence, lack of activity and lack of application in the fulfillment of obligations.


  1. Lazy
  2. Insensitive
  3. Unaffected
  4. Unmoved
  5. Unmerciful
  6. Not empathetic
  7. Negligent

ORIGIN OF Indolente

The word indolente comes from the Latin indolens, indolentis (one who does not suffer), which is the one who has the situation of indolentia (absence of pain). Actually, indolentis is formed by the prefix in (not) and the present participle dolens, dolentis, from the verb dolere (to feel pain).

Over time, the word indolent has come to designate those who neither feel nor suffer, those who are unaffected by anything because they care little about it, the apathetic, lazy and lazy.

The word indolent is also used in the Bible, in the New Testament it is used in Greek in Luke 6 to denote someone who is lazy, insensitive and unwilling to make an effort.

The right attitude is the opposite of indolence, the diligence to work and live to serve others and do good. Laziness and laziness are singled out as the cause of the ruin of many lives.


In the case of medicine, the term indolent is used to designate an organic disorder that produces little or no pain, as well as little discomfort, as for example, an indolent tumor.