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Imprudente (Reckless)

Definition of Imprudente (Reckless)

Qualifying adjective that is applied to the person who is not prudent.

By extension, it refers to any act or action that is carried out without prudence.

According to the doctrine of Criminal Law, recklessness is the infringement or failure to comply with the rules of care or due diligence that produces an objectively attributable result. In this sense, a reckless person is someone who does not comply with the rules of care, that is, who acts carelessly or negligently in a given situation, causing damage to people or property that are charged as crimes or misdemeanors. Although the mere act of carelessness does not reveal a lack of respect for value as such, it is considered a fault or crime to be reckless.


  1. Bold
  2. Reckless
  3. Foolish
  4. Daring
  5. Bold
  6. Cheeky
  7. Precipitate
  8. Unreflective


  1. Prudent
  2. Cautious
  3. Sensible
  4. Moderate
  5. Origin of reckless


The word imprudente comes from the Latin imprudens, imprudentis, which means that he is not prudent. It is an adjective that results from the union of the prefix In (variant Im) and the word prudent.


The adjective reckless is derived from the noun recklessness, which designates the action that is carried out without prudence.

Reckless is the denial of prudent, which means that you have or act with prudence, caution, care.

Other meanings of reckless are: indiscreet, careless, irresponsible, reckless, hasty, unconscious.


“Reckless people are always prone to making mistakes.”

“Reckless driving is the cause of many accidents.”

“You were very reckless to ask that.”

“He committed a reckless act and now he must pay the consequences.”

“By being so reckless he exposes himself to danger.”