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Definition of Fiebre

Fiebre means fever in English. In colloquial usage it refers to a state of pathological obsession with a particular situation or object. A person who wants to do something or cannot stop doing it.

From a medical point of view, fever arises when the body temperature is higher than normal. It can vary from person to person, but normal is usually around 98.6ºF or 37ºC.


  1. Fever
  2. Hyperthermia
  3. Pyrexia
  4. Obsessed
  5. Intemperance


From the Latin febris, understood as “to burn”, fiebre is a bodily state of elevated temperature. However, it is used colloquially when people have a lot of intensity, fanaticism or are excessively enthusiastic about something they are doing and do not stop until they do not achieve the expected result.

These people suffer from a sort of “fever” to do or experience something. A demonstrative episode is when young people are starting to drive cars and want to be in the vehicle all the time.

However, in the medical context and as it is generally known, fever, although not a disease, is usually a symptom that the body is trying to fight an illness or infection.

The body is trying to kill or fight the virus and bacteria causing the infection. Most of these harmful agents survive when the body maintains its normal temperature, but if it is high, it is more difficult for them to continue affecting the body.


Fever helps to activate the body’s immune system, however the patient will be prescribed a treatment that will depend on what is causing the fever. If it is very high, the doctor will recommend taking some over-the-counter medicines to lower the temperature.