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Definition of Enguilo

The meaning of Enguilo, can be diverse and varied. In some contexts it can mean that something being talked about does not generate any kind of discomfort, it does not affect you, “no me enguilo”.

The expression can also mean to fornicate, or to have sex, “mira ya tendrá tiempo de enguilar que todavía somos jóvenes” or also as a verb that indicates that the person is in love “Pedro está enguilao de María”.

The term is also accepted as a synonym of engañar and cubrir.


  1. No me afecta
  2. I don’t take things so seriously
  3. I don’t pay attention to it
  4. It doesn’t bother me
  5. Having sex
  6. Falling in love
  7. To deceive, to cover up.

ORIGIN of Enguilo

As there are several sources about its meaning, it may have different origins, but its use is more widespread among the Mexican population as an urban slang.


One of the most famous Mexican hip hop / rap songs refers to the expression: “yo nunca empiezo la bronca pero siempre la termino, con los chismes no me enguilo, de la lengua yo no vivo” The song is called Somos chidos and is performed by Cartel de Santa.