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Coronas de adviento

Definition of Coronas de adviento

Corona de Adviento (Advent wreath) is a Christian tradition that symbolizes the passing of the four weeks of Advent in the liturgical calendar of the Western Church. It is traditionally a Lutheran practice, although it has spread to many Christian communities.

ORIGIN OF Coronas de Adviento

The concept of the Advent wreath emerged among German Lutherans in the 16th century. However, the modern Advent wreath did not take shape until three centuries later.

During Advent, children at the Rauhes Haus mission school founded by Wichern in Hamburg asked daily if Christmas had arrived. In 1839, a large wooden hoop, made from an old wagon wheel, was constructed with 24 small red candles and 4 large white candles. During Advent a small candle was lit successively every weekday and every Saturday. On Sundays a large white candle was lit.

The custom gained ground among the Protestant churches in Germany and evolved into the smaller wreath with four or five candles known today. Roman Catholics in Germany began adopting the custom in the 1920s, and in the 1930s it spread to North America.

CURIOSITIES OF Coronas de Adviento

Advent wreaths are circular, as they represent God’s infinite love, and are usually made of evergreen foliage, which refers to the hope of eternal life brought by Jesus Christ.

Inside the Advent wreath are candles that usually symbolize the four weeks of the Advent season, as well as the light of God coming into the world through the birth of Jesus.

Each of the candles can also be attributed its own meaning. The four candles of the Advent wreath specifically symbolize the Christian concepts of hope, peace, joy and love, and these candles are subsequently lit throughout each week of the Advent season.