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Bebé Arcoíris

Definition of Bebé Arcoíris

In English it means “The Rainbow Baby” and it is a term that refers to a baby born after the loss of another baby or previous pregnancy. This term has become very popular in popular culture and on social media and is used to describe a baby that brings hope and joy after a difficult time.

SYNONYMS FOR Bebé Arcoíris

The term “Rainbow Baby” is also known as “Hope Baby”, “Miracle Baby” or “Blessing Baby”. These synonyms reflect the joy and hope that this baby brings to a family after a loss.

ORIGIN OF Bebé Arcoíris

The origin of the term “Rainbow Baby” is uncertain, but it is believed to come from the idea that a rainbow is a symbol of hope and joy after a storm. This term has become popular in popular culture and on social media, especially in women’s communities who have experienced the loss of a pregnancy or baby.


  • The term “Rainbow Baby” has become popular worldwide and is used in many different languages.
  • Some families have welcome parties for their rainbow babies and share them on social media as a way to celebrate the joy and hope after a difficult time.
  • There are online groups and communities where people can share their stories and support each other after a loss.

In conclusion, the term “Rainbow Baby” is a way to describe a baby born after a loss and represents hope and joy for the family. It is a term with a positive meaning and very important for those who have experienced the loss of a pregnancy or baby.