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Árbol de Navidad

Definition of Árbol de Navidad

Árbol de Navidad (The Christmas tree) has as many meanings as countries on the planet, however, its use has spread to all corners and more than everything, this ornament refers to the world.

The lights acquire their meaning thanks to the birth of Jesus, where the light came to the world and the spheres or bambalinas, mean the gifts that God or nature.

SYNONYMS FOR Christmas tree

  1. Noel agaci
  2. Christmas Pine
  3. Christmas Tree
  4. Decorated tree
  5. Tree
  6. Pine tree

ORIGIN OF Christmas tree

The origin of the Christmas tree dates back to the years 680-754 A.D., where a German evangelist, in honor of one of the gods, raised a pine tree and decorated it to worship him.

Likewise, a possible origin can also be found in the time of the Roman Empire, when during the Saturnalia festival, an important time for the Romans, they decorated the trees in the streets with lights to please and please the Temple of Saturn.

During Saturnalia, it was also customary to exchange gifts with each other. This festivity could last for days and the trees were sometimes decorated with shiny balls, which today would be the backdrops.

CURIOSITIES OF Christmas tree

Did you know that Thomas Edison’s colleague was the first person to put electric lights on a Christmas tree? At first, the tree was illuminated with candles and it was not until 1882, in Edison’s power plant that they managed to decorate the tree with electric lights on a box.

White, red and blue lights were seen, no one had ever seen anything like it. Edward Johnson was Edison’s friend and colleague who came up with this idea.

The lights that were seen were blinking, hence today, the lights are seen in different colors and follow a specific and funny sequence.