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Definition of Badal

The essence of words is truly magical and unique. Their stories, origins, curiosities and various visions to define them make them even more interesting. Badal is related to a train station in a world-renowned city, immersed in movie screens, and if that were not enough is used in cavalry pieces. Sound interesting? Let’s get to know her more!

The word Badal originates from the Latin “badallum” which means acial (whip to herd cattle). In the classical Arabic language it means piece or part and is defined by the SAR as “the piece attached to the straps of cavalry, serving to drag wood, trinus, etc.”

Related Aspects of the Badal Word

Moreover, this term is also used to refer to the muzzle used in some animals such as horses or oxen with the aim of immobilizing them when they are cured or boiled. This is located on the top of the nose and ear.

In the city of Barcelona – Spain there is a train station called Badal, this is the closest station to the renowned Camp Nou stadium, it has become a favorite by tourists and fans when visiting the house of FC Barcelona.

In 2000, the action film Badal was released in India. It achieved outstanding success among viewers. Its director, Indian Raj Kanwar, died in 2012.


The word Badal is widely used in crossword solutions, the reason? its different definitions and curiosities make it eye-catching and very useful for this type of hobbies.

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