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Definition of Arengar

Arengar means to make a public speech, known as an oration, in a solemn and elevated tone, aimed to stir or raise spirits, especially in a military or political context.


  1. To harangue
  2. Sermonize
  3. To preach
  4. Perorate
  5. Enthuse
  6. To inflame
  7. To give a speech
  8. To flame


The etymological origin indicates that it came into Spanish through the Provençal ‘arenga’ and this from the Gothic ‘harihrĭng’, whose meaning was “gathering of the army” (‘harjis’ army and ‘hrĭng’ circle: ‘corro de gente/reunion’).

Originally, the concept alluded to a proclamation delivered within the army, although the meaning later extended into politics, sports and other fields.

The harangue is part of oratory.

The speech is usually pronounced with a high tone and a style that, many times, appeals to a confrontation. Its intention is to inflame the recipients to act with determination, energy or courage.

In the field of sports, the harangue seeks to get athletes to go out and compete with a high level of motivation and enthusiasm.

In botany, arenga is the name given to a genus of twenty-four species of flowering plants, which belong to the family Arecaceae (whose common name is palms).


An example of many military orations that have been passed down through human history is that of the American liberator Simon Bolivar, to his troops, on the eve of the Battle of Junin against the Spanish for the liberation of Peru on August 2nd, 1824.

He expressed to his soldiers that the work they would be doing was so sublime that it would save the entire world from slavery, praising their courage and exalting their confidence by telling them that they were invincible.

After this, the battle took place on August 6th and represented the patriotic victory over the Spanish Empire.