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Definition of Absentismo

You wonder what absentismo means, a word that can sometimes be confusing. Here at, we are going to explain the meaning of absentismo and everything related to this word. Let’s start!

The absentismo is defined as a pattern of missing work, in which an employee is absent from work as usual and retell. Absentismo does not include excused absences, where an employer has actually given an employee permission to miss work, although this is not all that ausentismo means .

Excused absences

Most employers will excuse ausentismo for certain reasons, such as vacation, medical leave, jury duty, military work, or bereavement. Proof of your leave (a jury notice, a doctor’s note, an obituary, etc.) is usually enough documentation for an employer to justify absenteeism. However, employers can spot trends and track how often an employee is absent and what their reasons are.

Occasional absences

Most employers provide a certain number of days on which an employee may be absent. These days can be assigned as flexible days to be used for any reason or as holidays or illness.

Some employers require that Paid Time Off ( PTO ) be used when an employee is sick. This is intended to encourage employees to enter whenever possible. However, employees often feel compelled to go to work while ill and end up spreading germs and illness to their coworkers.

Disciplinary actions of chronic absentismo

Chronic ausentismo does not include occasional excused absences, such as unexpected personal or health problems. ausentismo can be a violation of an employer’s contract and can lead to suspension or termination of work. When a person is absent from work on a regular way it is considered chronic ausentismo.

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